With the Geek Giant Richard Manning
Once upon a time there was a poor little Giant, who everyone called a geek. He wasn’t really a geek, as least he didn’t think so, but society had him placed in the round peg hole marked ‘nerd’. The young Giant was also reader, but what was worse, was he remembered everything he read.

this passion for knowledge undiminished, I, The Giant Geek - has found a new
willing audience to enthrall. The now ‘brainy Braudia’s’ decided that they
should share this information and here is where my purpose lies. I’ll try to
explain how modern science makes the previously impossible, possible in a way
that translates the esoteric language of hyperspecialised scientists; into
something we can all understand.
Paris Hilton can understand Science. Ok, slightly debatable – but I’m sure, she
must have some amount of grey matter, even if it has been damaged by years of
fake tanning and sheep dipping herself in peroxide. It’s just that scientists
have a desire, for using their own impenetrable vocabulary. It’s as if they
feel, that because they’ve devoted years of their lives buried in books and huddled
in libraries, to reaching that cutting edge of human knowledge, that no one
else (who has not sacrificed as they have) should be able to understand what it
is they do.
shall attempt to bring to you the latest developments in a manner that strips
bare the basic facts from the jargon, laying bare the essential truths behind
new discoveries.
now lets start with some cerebral stretches to get our brains accustomed to new
thoughts and ways of thinking. So limber
up your hippocampus (your brains memory center), activate your left hemisphere
and whip your cerebral cortex into shape with these tasty facts.
don’t sweat; instead they excrete a pink liquid which acts as a natural
first modern bra was made of two handkerchiefs.
is only one Chobe black
rhinoceros left in the world, 3 other subspecies of black rhinoceros have
already become extinct in the last 150 years and poachers are doing their best
to kill off the rest…
The human stomach
produces a new mucus lining for itself every two weeks, if it didn’t it would
digest its self. Strange!
Scientists voiced concern in 2012 about how
radiation may be affecting humans after a recent finding of mutant butterflies
in Japan with abnormal legs, eyes, wings and other mutations were discovered.
The mutations were caused by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident.
And finally, director Claudia Sorace is terrified of butterflies. This ridiculousness has a name believe it or not and that is “Lepidopterophobes”. In fact I’m sure she will recoil into herself once she reads that now, there are mutated versions of them out there, flying around.
Until next time friends, nerd up!
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